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Title Envisioning future academic library services : initiatives, ideas and challenges / edited by Sue McKnight.

Publication Info. London : Facet, ©2010.
Location Call No. Status
 Main General Non Fiction  Z675.U5 E58 2010    AVAILABLE
Description xxii, 247 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Waiting for the barbarians: seeking solutions or awaiting answers? / Derek Law -- The delete generation: how citizen-created content is transforming libraries / Penny Carnaby -- Libraries as places: challenges for the future / Andrew McDonald -- Web 2.0: redefining and extending the service commitment of the academic library / James G. Neal and Damon E. Jaggars -- Second Life and libraries: boom or bust? / P. Charles Livermore -- Some new business ideas in the HSS publishing space: what may librarians expect? / Frances Pinter -- Loosely joined: the discovery and consumption of scholarly content in the digital era / Paul Coyne -- Knowledge management, universities and libraries / Helen Hayes and Philip G. Kent -- Libraries and the management of research data / Martin Lewis -- The leadership of the future / Liz Wright -- Adding value to learning and teaching / Sue McKnight -- In search of the road ahead: the future of academic libraries in China / Michael Robinson.
Subject Academic libraries.
Added Author McKnight, Sue.
ISBN 9781856046916 (hbk.)
1856046915 (hbk.)
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